Four National Assessments on Gender and STI completed in East Africa

Four new National Assessments have been completed in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.  The Assessments apply the Gender Equality – Knowledge Society (GE&KS) framework to gather and evaluate data across a wide range of indicators on the connection between gender equality with women’s representation in STI-related sectors of employment, education and decision making.

The East Africa Assessments were completed in collaboration with the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) with funding from Sida and are available from the OWSD website.

  • Ethiopia, by Dr. Hellina Beyene, President’s Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of History, University of California-Irvine
  • Kenya, by Natasha Frosina, Africa Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS)
  • Rwanda, by Prof. Verdiana Masanja, Director of Research and Postgraduate Studies and Full Professor of Mathematics, University of Rwanda
  • Uganda, by Irene Murunga, Agnes Bukare, Sarah Atim, Alaina Boyle, Marion Auvergne,