Information and Communication Technologies: Prospects for Promoting Gender Equality in the Arab Region
Examines how information and communication technology (ICT) can be used to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5. Based on analysis of a wide range of good practices implemented primarily in the Arab region, the report shows how ICT can play a key role in empowering women and girls. It also presents practical insights on how ICT can be employed to achieve the targets of SDG 5: how they are being used to circumvent or transform exiting norms and stereotypes; how they are a tool to combat violence against women and enhance the security of women and girls; how they support organizing campaigns to raise women’s voices; how they enable income generating activities and increase their access to information and financial services; how women are using ICTs to increase their participation in decision-making and political processes; how Governments are using ICTs to increase women’s access to services; and how they increase access to health information. The report also sheds light on the possible risks from the improper use of these technologies, and proposes measures to seize opportunities and overcome threats.
The present report concludes with policy recommendations to improve the affordability and accessibility of digital technologies, overcome normative barriers, and increase online safety to create a conducive environment for advancing women’s empowerment in the Arab region.
Co-written by Sophia Huyer with the UN Economic and Social Commission for West Africa (ESCWA).
Report available here.