NYU-Poly TCS Lecture: “Gender in the Knowledge Society”

Senior WISAT Associate Nancy Hafkin delivered the 2013 Alumni-endowed lecture on important issues in technology, culture and society at the New York University Polytechnic Institute in Brooklyn, New York on 9 April. The lecture on Gender Equality in the Knowledge Society was attended by an audience of 120 students and faculty in science and technology. The Institute’s Department of Technology, Culture and Society (TCS), chaired by Dr. Kristen Day, delivers courses and supports research and educational programs that investigate how technology and science shape – and are shaped by – broader social and cultural issues.

Among the topics covered in the lecture were:

  • What is the knowledge society
  • Empowering women in the knowledge society
  • Measuring women in the knowledge society
  • National studies from the US and elsewhere
  • The Leaky Pipeline in STI education, workplace & decision-making
  • Technology is not gender neutral: overcoming gender blindness in technology design

Download Nancy’s presentation here.

More information on the Technology, Culture and Society program at NYU-Polytechnic Institute is available from tcs@poly.edu.