

National Assessments / Gender in the Knowledge Society / Gender in Science, Innovation, Engineering

ICT / Internet / Information Society related

Tech 4 D

Tech 4 D: Agriculture and climate change

Misc. gender and development

Talks and presentations

  • Gender in ICT Policy and Regulation
    Presentation by Executive Director Sophia Huyer as part of the Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) panel on Research-based Advocacy: Informing the Debate, Driving Change, Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization Annual Conference, Abuja, Nigeria, October 8, 2013.
  • Understanding the Gender Dimensions of STI
    Remarks on the global technology gender gap and two initiatives to address this gap, by Dr. Sophia Huyer, WISAT Executive Director and Organization for Women in Science for the Development World (OWSD) Senior Advisor. The Elsevier Foundation Dinner on Celebrating Emerging Leaders in Science, February 15, 2013, Boston.
  • Gender Equality in the Knowledge Society
    Dr. Sophia Huyer presented the results of the first phase of WISAT National Assessments of Gender in Science, Technology and Innovation to staff in the US Department of State Office of Science & Technolocy and Bureau of Women’s Affairs in Washington DC on January 9, 2013.
  • Gender and ICT Statistics: the policy perspective
    At the 10th International Telecommunications Union World Telecommunications/ICT Indicators Meeting (WTIM) held in Bangkok, Thailand WISAT Senior Associate Dr. Nancy Hafkin looked at ICT and gender  statistics and suggested new gender ICT indicators.
  • Designing Services for Women Smallholders
    Sophia Huyer examined key issues in designing ICT and mobile based services for women farmers as part of the mAgri Webinar: Designing & Marketing Mobile Information & Advisory Services for Women Smallholders. The webinar was held on June 27, 2012.
  • Gender, ICT and Education
    Nancy Hafkin examined gender issues in ICT and education to ensure gender equality in the knowledge society, with particular focus on Africa at the International Colloquium on ICTs in Education in Montreal, 3-4 May 2012.
  • Gender, ICT and International Development
    To an audience at Boston University Nancy Hafkin gave a detailed overview of the correspondence between gender, ICT and international development in March 2012.
  • Gender, ICT and Health
    An overview of gender and ICT issues in developing countries, the presentation raises the question of why a concern for gender equality in information technology, spells out what is and what is not known about data and presents examples of gender and e-health projects. It concludes with lessons learned.
  • Measuring Women’s Participation in the Knowledge Society
    Presented to the Ibero-American Congress of Science and Technology Indicators in Madrid in October 2010, the presentation describes the study to establish the preconditions for women to  become full participants in a national knowledge society and the resources and access needed to achieve this. It also details how society as a whole benefits from the full participation of women.
  • Gender and ICT issues in Africa
    Details ICT trends in Africa (to 2010), gender and ICT as well as S&T issues in Africa and looks particularly at issues in gender, ICT and education.
  • Cinderella or Cyberella: Empowering Women in the Knowledge Society Edited by Sophia Huyer and Nancy Hafkin, the book advocated women turning from cinderellas who work, if at all, in the basement of the knowledge society with little oppotunity to reap its benefits to cyberellas fluent in the uses of technology, active creators and disseminators of knowledge who arecomfortable using and designing computer, technology and communication equipment, software, andin working in virtual spaces.
  • Presentation made at Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society, November 2006.Introduction: Closing the Gender Gap in Agriculture