Two new National Assessments of women in science and technology, and in particular the knowledge society — those of Nepal and Senegal — are now available

Two new National Assessments of women in science and technology, and in particular the knowledge society — those of Nepal and Senegal — are now available
Participation of Women and Girls in National Education and the Science, Technology and Innovation System in Mexico, by Prof. Judith Zubieta and Monica Lurcher was launched on April 29,
Four new National Assessments have been completed in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. The Assessments apply the Gender Equality – Knowledge Society (GE&KS) framework to gather
The National Assessment for Mexico will be launched on April 29, 2016 atGender Summit 8 in Mexico. A plenary panel on Participation of women and girls in science and technology education will be led by Dr. Judith Zubieta, author of the study, along with WISAT Executive Director Sophia Huyer and GenderInSITE Director Alice Abreu.
our new National Assessments on Gender and STI have been initiated in East Africa, in collaboration with OWSD and with funding from Sida. The four countries in the study are Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.
WISAT and the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) are happy to announce that the National Assessment on Gender and STI for Argentina is now available. It is produced by Gloria Bonder – WISAT Board Member and Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair on Women in S&T in Latin America (FLACSO, Argentina).